Gum Treatment

Gingival Treatment (Periodontology) is the branch that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gum diseases. Gum diseases are defined as periodontal diseases. Periodontal diseases are inflammatory diseases that also affect the gums and bone tissues that support teeth. Periodontal diseases, when diagnosed early, respond easily and successfully to treatment.

Healthy gums are light pink in color, non-bleeding, matte and tight. If there is gum bleeding, this is a harbinger of gingivitis and disease. Even if their teeth are not decayed, they can be lost due to gingivitis.

Gum Recession

Gingival recession is the displacement of the gum from the enamel surface to the root surface. As a result, the root surface is exposed, and the tooth tingles and cold sensitivity occurs. Receding gums; occurs as a result of hard brushing or gum disease If there is tooth clenching (bruxism) or early contact, trauma in the tooth, it progresses rapidly.

In the treatment of gingival recession, if there is gingivitis, this situation should be resolved first. If the gums are healthy but there is gingival recession, free gum graft (gingival removal from the palate and its transfer to the place where it is recessed), connective tissue graft (gum removal from the palate, transfer to the recession and covering the gingiva by sliding) and flap sliding operations (extracted sliding the gums to the side, down and closing the pulling) is successfully applied. After gum surgery, the root surfaces can be completely covered and a healthier and aesthetic smile can be provided.

Attention should be paid to oral care for 7-10 days after surgery, and no smoking. If there is a habit of clenching teeth after gum surgery, it should be treated. Teeth should be brushed with a soft brush and the dentist should be checked every 6 months.

What Are Gum Diseases?

Gingivitis: Gingivitis is the beginning of gum disease. The gums are bleeding, red and enlarged. Gingivitis may not cause much discomfort. Bleeding gums during tooth brushing are generally sensitive. Gingival bleeding and bad breath are symptoms. At this stage, gingival recession and bone loss are not observed. If left untreated, the disease progresses to an advanced stage, Periodontitis, and destroys the gums and bone that supports the teeth.

Periodontitis: It is the advanced stage of gum diseases. Along with the other tissues that support the teeth, damage occurs to the alveolar bone surrounding the tooth. There are bleeding gums, inflammatory fluid flow from the gum pocket, swelling of the gums, enlargement, redness and bad breath. Gingival recession occurs, the teeth may start to shake with bone loss, the teeth are opened and the teeth are lost in the advanced stage.

Disease begins due to lack of oral care and the formation of tartar as a result, and if smoking is exacerbated. Smoking can suppress gum bleeding. However, it increases the progression of the disease. The disease may not progress at the same rate and severity in every individual. If there is a genetic predisposition to the disease, a rapid destruction may occur. If there is no gum abscess formation, pain may not be observed. Gum diseases are chronic inflammatory conditions that are generally painless.